S5.16 “The Lassiter”

Modern art = I could have done that + Yeah, but you didn't
Hard to find on the artist's website, but it's there.
How likely is it that you will get Trichinosis from eating undercooked pork in the U.S?
Trichinosis was high worldwide in the early 80s, but has been steadily decreasing. In 1975, there were approximately 750 cases. By 2008 less than 10 were reported, mostly from wild pork or pork exposed to feral pigs. The likelihood of catching trichinosis in the US is so small that the USDA changed the cooking and temperature requirements for pork on May 24, 2011.
Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson is one of America’s most reknowned – and daring – creative pioneers. Known primarily for her multimedia presentations, she has cast herself in roles as varied as visual artist, composer, poet, photographer, filmmaker, electronics whiz, vocalist, and instrumentalist.

The Lassiter
The Lassiter was a valuable, antique laser pistol which was the forerunner of modern laser technology.
‘Firefly’ Turns 20: Where Are the Stars Now?
Firefly, a series about a group of smugglers always trying to stay one star system ahead of the authorities, proved just as scrappy as its characters. Though Fox only aired 11 out of 14 produced episodes—and aired them out of order, no less—Firefly has lived on in reruns, DVD and Blu-ray releases, podcasts, and even the big-screen continuation Serenity.

By Stanisław Lem
The planet Quinta is pocked by ugly mounds and covered by a spiderweb-like network. It is a kingdom of phantoms and of a beauty afflicted by madness. In stark contrast, the crew of the spaceship Hermes represents a knowledge-seeking Earth. As they approach Quinta, a dark poetry takes over and leads them into a nightmare of misunderstanding.

A Scanner Darkly
By Philip K. Dick