S5.02 Bang on Killer Virus

The TikTok Algorithm
User activity plays a vital role in the TikTok algorithm. The more engagement your videos receive, the more likely they will rank higher and serve your target audience. Here are some positive indicators that influence the user activity...

Prof. Roy Casagrada
My research interests lie at the intersection of politics, history, economics, psychology, and philosophy. I am a firm believer in a multidisciplinary approach. Circa 1025 A.D. Ibn Sina (Avicenna) said, "The knowledge of anything, since all things have causes, is not acquired or complete unless it is known by its causes." It is my belief that only a multidisciplinary approach can understand the causes of human behavior.

Dan McClellan
I am a scholar of the Bible and religion and I produce content (audio, video, and text) that combats misinformation about the Bible and increases public access to its academic study. I go by @maklelan on my social media channels (TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter)

The Bonfire of the Vanities
The Bonfire of the Vanities is a 1987 novel by Tom Wolfe. The story is a drama about ambition, racism, social class, politics, and greed in 1980s New York City, and centers on three main characters: WASP bond trader Sherman McCoy, Jewish assistant district attorney Larry Kramer, and British expatriate journalist Peter Fallow.

The Printing Press As An Agent Of Change
Originally published in two volumes in 1980, The Printing Press as an Agent of Change is now issued in a paperback edition containing both volumes. The work is a full-scale historical treatment of the advent of printing and its importance as an agent of change. Professor Eisenstein begins by examining the general implications of the shift from script to print, and goes on to examine its part in three of the major movements of early modern times - the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the rise of modern science.

by Annalee Newitz
Autonomous is a 2017 science fiction novel by Annalee Newitz. It is Newitz's debut novel and was published by Tor Books on September 19, 2017. Set in a near future Earth, the book describes a world where both humans and intelligent robots can be owned as property. The events of the novel follow Jack, a "drug pirate" who manufactures illegal versions of patented drugs, and Paladin, a combat robot who is owned by the law enforcement agency searching for Jack after one of the drugs she reverse-engineered turns out to have dangerous side effects.