Season 4
Episode 9: “but, um...” | a conversation with Jim & Lionel
Tuesday, October 3, 2023 #76

Jim starts talking about his adventures in social media and James O’Brien’s wisdom on how not to get noticed there. We tell 2 jokes and Lionel talks about discovering Literacy CNY at his local library and his volunteer work in digital literacy. Jim and Lionel talk about Lionel’s upcoming trip to Boston. They talk again about The Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia. They talk about The Annotated Archy and Mehitabel by Don Marquis and The Annotated Alice, which includes various illustrations for Alice In Wonderland. They branch off into a discussion about trees in upstate NY, especially the Celebration Maple. Jim tries his hand at reading made up ads for the podcast, something we don’t expect to do for real. Lionel talks about his adventures in bike riding on the Empire State Trail. Naturally, The Library of Babel by Borges comes up again. Jim talks about reading to his daughters and working on the open source version of his web publishing platform. Jim stresses the importance of apple picking. Lionel talks about his readiness for winter.